Everyone is looking to save money nowadays, and getting an insurance quote on the Internet as easy as pie, so why should you still be concerned? Easy – there’s a lot of agents out there who have not had the experience to help ensure you have all the coverage you need – or don’t.
Here are three tips to make sure you get what you deserve:
- Most insurance providers give breaks to policy holders who maintain more than one type of insurance. For instance, if you have both your car and home insured with one carrier, you may save up to 15% on your annual premiums. Sometimes, this can save you a bundle and still provide the utmost in both types of insurance coverage.
- Do you have more than one car in your family? Does one of them belong to a young driver who is being charged more due to their age and lack of driving experience? There are ways to place that young person’s information on your policy to allow for exactly the same coverage but at a significantly different premium.
- Let us check over your insurance policies to ensure you have optimal coverage. We first check to see they contain the correct information, then we compare the same details with the other companies we represent to see if you can do any better with your coverage and your premium. There’s no charge or obligation.
Call us for more information and to get the lowest auto and homeowners insurance rates through the many fine companies we represent.
© Copyright 2020. All rights reserved. This content is strictly for informational purposes and although experts have prepared it, the reader should not substitute this information for professional insurance advice. If you have any questions, please consult your insurance professional before acting on any information presented. Read more.