Let's make sure you're covered against potential claims or lawsuits.
LCIS Employment Practices Liability Insurance
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) covers you against claims or lawsuits filed by employees regarding their employment relationship with your business. EPLI comes into play if an employee claims they suffered at your hands or those of another employee. EPLI might even cover you if a verdict is found against you in a court of law. These claims impact all sizes of organizations and your company is not immune to such lawsuits, so educate your managers and employees so that you minimize problems in the first place:

Hiring and Screening
Create effective hiring and screening programs to avoid discrimination in hiring.

Clear Policies
Post corporate policies throughout the workplace and place them in employee handbooks so policies are clear to everyone.

Increase Awareness
Educate employees and supervisors on sexual harassment and discrimination policies and procedures.

Prevent & Solve Disputes
Document everything that occurs and the steps your company is taking to prevent and solve employee disputes.
Note: Policies may read differently depending on the state in which it is written.
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Landscape Contractors Insurance Services, Inc.
A Division of World
1835 N. Fine Ave, Fresno CA 93727
Tel (800) 628-8735 Fax (559) 650-3558
CA LIC # 0755906