Reducing Motor Vehicle Theft

In 2017, more than three-quarters of a million vehicles were stolen in the United States—and nearly half of those thefts were due to driver error. Vehicle theft is a multi-billion-dollar crime, with the cost of stolen vehicles coming in at nearly $6 billion in 2017 alone. 75.4% of those vehicles were automobiles. Summers prove to be the worst season for vehicle theft. So, to help drivers keep their vehicles safe, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is continuing its annual Vehicle Theft Prevention Campaign during July—National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month.

A motor vehicle is stolen every 40.9 seconds in the United States.
The top 10 stolen vehicles in calendar year 2017:

  1. Honda Civic
  2. Honda Accord
  3. Chevrolet Silverado
  4. Toyota Camry
  5. Ford F150
  6. Nissan Altima
  7. Toyota Corolla
  8. Ford F250
  9. Ford Ecoline
  10. Honda CR-V

We are all susceptible to vehicle theft.
Top 10 States for most vehicles stolen in calendar year 2017:

  1. California
  2. Texas
  3. Florida
  4. Washington
  5. Illinois
  6. Georgia
  7. Colorado
  8. Missouri
  9. Ohio
  10. Arizona

Use common sense when parking and exiting your vehicle:

  • Take your vehicle’s key; do not leave it in or on your vehicle.
  • Close and lock all windows and doors when you park.
  • Park in well-lit areas if possible.
  • Never leave valuables in your vehicle, especially if they can be seen from outside the vehicle.

Thieves want vehicle parts and valuable items, too.
Radios and wheel covers aren’t the only popular stolen vehicle parts thieves take. They want whatever sells, from the mandated labeled parts to those that aren’t. Some of the most popular vehicle parts or valuable items stolen from vehicles include doors, engines, transmissions, air bags, radios, GPS units, cell phones, iPads, laptops, and purses.

Source: United States Department of Transportation, “Vehicle Theft Prevention” website. Accessed February 12, 2020.

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